Jay Taylor 'Pebbles as Pendants'

Jay Taylor uses Eternal Tools small diamond core drills to drill holes in her pebbles

Jay Taylor's range of exquisite pebble jewellery is stunning.

Jay uses our diamond core drills to drill a hole in her painted pebbles before threading with cord or leather.

More of Jay's beautiful work can be found on her website or on her facebook page.

Thank You, Eternal Tools diamond core drill bits!? couldn't have done it without the Dremel and your drill bits :) Jay Taylor

As well her range of painted stones you can view her photography and paintings as well.

If you're looking to drill holes in pebbles and stones then have a look through our Tutorials section where you can find easy to follow diagrams and information
jay Taylor uses Eternal Tools small diamond core drills to drill holes in her pebbles

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