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Carbide Gravers

Carbide Gravers

Eternal Tools


These precision made Tungsten Carbide Gravers are the superior way to turn metals on your lathe. Solid Carbide tips means that they will: last longer, cut harder metals, and require less resharpening. Use for turning pivots, balance staffs and lots more.

  • 1.5mm graver (Red handle)
  • 2.0mm graver (Blue handle)
  • 2.5mm graver (Green handle)

These carbide gravers have literally revolutionised so many clock and watchmakers work that we are often told that they could not imagine working without one.

Mounted into a hexagonal aluminium handle to prevent rolling on the bench and supplied with a protective tip cap.

Regular price £31.89
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With years of research into the correct blend of hard and tough tungsten carbide we were able to produce a carbide graver that does not chip or easily dull like other gravers on the market.

A tungsten carbide graver means that you produce a better finish on your work as well as cutting harder materials quicker and so lasts longer without the need for resharpening.

How to use our Carbide Gravers

Our Carbide Gravers are used in just the same way as a regular graver, minimum pressure is required. Keep the graver firm but with a relaxed hand and feel the tool into the job.

To sharpen our gravers we recommend using our diamond grinding wheels, the fine grade is sufficient for most and the very fine grade will leave a polished finish that is ultimately reflected in your work.

“ Keeps a lovely sharp cutting edge for a long time compared with carbon steel or HSS, plus the finish that can be achieved is excellent. Well worth the money for a quality tool that will last a lifetime” - James Lamb

"They cut steel, brass and pivot steel all with equal ease making turning a pleasure rather than a chore” - Phillip Denney

“I use my carbide graver for forming clock pivots on blued steel and it is a joy to use. The point of the graver does not chip as carbon steel ones frequently do and I thoroughly recommend them to all in the trade” - Ken & Moira Russell

“The amount of material that can be removed while keeping a keen edge is most impressive. I have recently been making some wheel cutters from high carbon steel and find the material is removed as easily as cutting through butter” - Dave Hamer


Tungsten Carbide Graver in a hexagonal aluminium handle

  • Overall Length: 135mm x 6mm diameter of handle
  • Working Length: 15mm (a further 50% glued into the handle)

“These are the best carbide gravers on the market" - Colin Johnson

“The Carbide Gravers - Wow! As for the Sapphire Burnisher, it's not just a tool - it's a wizards wand! The small diamond grinding wheel is pure magic too. Back in the middle ages you'd have been burned at the stake for making such products" - Ketil Blaasvaer

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