How To Make Ear Wires (Infographic)

How To Make Ear Wires (infographic)

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How to Make Ear Wires

Earwires are so easily made that if you find you're using them all the time it makes sense to just make your own.

Once you have the hang of it you'll find yourself churning them out and making them in batches, all ready for you to use for future earring projects.

Follow our step by step, easy to follow infographic and once you've mastered it double up on your wire and make two at the same time. This is a great way to save time plus you'll have a pair of ear wires that look identical.

What Tools Will I Need to Make Earwires?

When it comes to filing the ends of your ear wires there are a number of ways this can be done. However, avoid using a nail file which some people recommend as it will take you a long time and the finish won't be great.

Ideally you will want to use a diamond file such as a flat, 600 grit, medium or small file or a cup burr.

Cup burrs can either be inserted into a pin vice or straight into your rotary hand held drill or flexshaft. The inside of the cup burs are domed and have tiny teeth-like filing edges which will grind away at your wire ends to make them nice and smooth. They're a great little tool and are perfect for your jewellery making purposes and wire sculpture work.

Cup Burs for cutting, grinding and shaping metals

Cup Burrs

So there you have it, how to make your own ear wires. Master this easy method and you'll soon be on your way to designing your own ear wires in all sorts of shapes.

If you're after some inspiration of ear wire shapes, take a look here for a few ideas:

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