Driftwood Dreaming Coastal, Sea Glass & Pebble Jewellery

Driftwood Dreaming Coastal, Sea Glass & Pebble Jewellery

Tina from Driftwood Dreaming uses the Eternal Tools small diamond drill bits for drilling small neat holes into sea glass to make her coastal jewellery.

Using a Dremel drill, a bowl of water and some safety goggles, she is delighted with the results the diamond drill bits have achieved. Tina also uses the small 3mm diamond drill bits to drill holes in beach pebbles, again under water.

"The diamond drill bits literally glide through the stones - it's amazing!'"

If you'd like to find out more about how to drill through glass whether it's sea glass, fused glass or other craft glass pieces why not have a look at our easy to follow tutorial; How To Drill Sea Glass.

The same steps can be applied if you're drilling through beach stones and pebbles as well.

Often we find a particularly tough piece of sea glass may be a bit more stubborn when trying to drill through it. This is when a small diamond core drill is needed.

The core drills allow the drill bit and the glass or stone to remain cool so there's no overheating. This helps to preserve the life of your drill bit, helps prevent your material from cracking or shattering and also eases the drilling process for those stubborn-hard-to-drill sea glass bits.

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