Interview with Contemporary Glass Jeweller, Ruth Lyne

Interview with Contemporary Glass Jeweller, Ruth Lyne

Ruth Lyne takes her inspiration from the natural colours of the sea shore. We had the pleasure of chatting with Ruth about her work and here we showcase some of her pieces and find out more about the artist herself.

When did you first start making jewellery and who or what inspired you to begin?

I first began making jewellery when I was still at school. After taking a degree in three dimensional design at Bucks College of HE in High Wycombe I set up a jewellery making business using silver and semi-precious stones. I also set up a contemporary craft gallery which I ran for three years. When my youngest child started school I needed a change and enrolled on an HND in ceramics and glass at my local college. Since 2001 I have concentrated on making glass wall panels, dishes and hangings, showing them in galleries and at fairs.

A couple of years ago I felt I was ready for another change of direction and started to think about jewellery again. It has taken a long time to fully realise my ideas but I am now making several collections of contemporary glass jewellery.

Do you have a studio space you work from, tell us about it.

I have a studio that I rent at the Old Dairy Farm Centre in rural Northamptonshire. It's a long way from my inspiration, the coast. Whilst I work I like to have BBC Radio 6 on in the background.

What mediums or techniques do you work with?

I work with fusible glass. I cut sheets of handmade glass into very small pieces and fuse them together in a kiln, at temperatures of over 800 °C or 1470 °F. 
I combine transparent and opal glass with dichroic and iridescent layers to create jewels that catch the light and shimmer with every movement - perfect for jewellery.

What is the main inspiration for your designs?

The coast and memories of beachcombing

What has been your favourite piece that you've made?

My most recent design is my current favourite at the moment, it doesn't even have a name yet!

Ruth Lyne contemporary glass jeweller

Tell us about where you sell your work and any upcoming exhibitions.

I have just come back from the British Craft Trade Fair in Harrogate and I was very pleased with the reaction to the new jewellery. I will now be supplying several galleries that have not shown my work before.

Do you have a favourite tool?

It would have to be my glass cutter but my drill is a very close second. I use a painting tray filled with water when I am drilling the tiny glass jewels. The slope makes it easy to hold the glass at the right angle.

What is your best piece of advice for aspiring glass artists/jewellers?

Develop your own aesthetic and don't worry about what other people are making.

What's next for Ruth Lyne Contemporary Glass?

I will be showing my work at several retail shows this summer, the details can be found on my website: I will also be finalising my online shop

A big thanks to Ruth for sharing her work with us. If you use our tools and would like to be a featured artist then we'd love to hear from you.

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