Interview with Aditya Sambhare and his Love for Skeleton Watches

Interview with Aditya Sambhare and his Love for Skeleton Watches

1. When Did Your Interest In Horology Begin?

I am a qualified architect and industrial designer. My final project for the masters program in industrial design was related to time. I spent countless hours pouring over the wonderful books on horology in the institute library researching my project. I think that is where my love for mechanical timekeeping was born.

Later I discovered ebay and English fusee watches. With no one to fix them here I learnt how to do it myself.

I have always been interested in the insides of a watch rather than the outside appearance/style. This is reflected in the watches I make- skeletons. I wanted a skeleton that was true to itself, one that boasts it's machine like nature. So I made one. Over the years I have made 5 skeleton designs.

The late George Daniels has been a great inspiration.

Skeleton watches by A D Sambhare for Eternal Tools

Above image: Manual wind mechanical movement skeletonised by hand. 17 jewels. Handmade blue steel hands and frosted brass dial.

2. Do You have a shop Or Workshop, Tell Us About It?

I have got a small home workshop. The tools, I have collected over the years on a need basis. This is an ongoing process and has worked well for me. It allows me to master one skill at a time.

3. What Are Your Favourite Timepieces, And Why?

I love English fusees. The reasons are not easy to explain. The sheer ingenuity of the fusee, the beautiful frost finish, a high level of craftsmanship across the board (from a 7 jeweller right up to a 21 jewel keyless example) are some of the reasons I suppose.

Among contemporary watches A Lange & Sohne, Nomos and Junghans are some brands whose watches I like.

Eternal Tools Interview with A D Sambhare and his love of Skelton Watches.

4. What Tools Could You Not Live Without?

My books. The right tool for the right job is essential in watchmaking. But knowing what needs to be done, what tools are required and how to use them is most important.

5. What Do You Find The Most Difficult Task?

Adjusting balance springs. While I find this the fiddliest job in watchmaking it is also the most rewarding.

Skeleton wristwatches by A D Sambhare for Eternal Tools

6. Are You Concerned About The Future Of The Watch And Clock Industry?

I am concerned about the recent monopolistic practices. However, I do believe that the industry will adapt and survive.

7. What's Next? Any Interesting Projects Or Dreams?

I have several ideas for skeleton watches. The only limiting factor is time.


Thank you to Aditya for the interview and his wonderful skeleton watches. You can find out more about Aditya on his blog:

You can also email Aditya:

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