Nancy Sutcliffe 'Fresco Boy' Glass Engraving

Nancy Sutcliffe 'Fresco Boy' Glass Engraving using diamond sintered burrs

This unique and wonderful glass engraving by Nancy Sutcliffe was engraved using Eternal Tools Diamond Sintered Burrs. Laminated glass with 22ct moon gold leaf inside. Reverse engraving.

To find out how to use diamond sintered burs correctly take a look at the product page or read our article '12 Things You Should Know About Diamond Drill Bits'

Diamond sintered Burs last much longer than coated or electroplated diamond burs as there are several layers of diamonds bonded to the shaft rather than the single layer as in coated burrs. Dress or clean the sintered burrs before the first use with a dressing stone and then again after each use and you will reveal a fresh layer of diamonds, hence the long life span of these particular burrs. We do several shapes and sizes but if there's something specific you're after please let us know.

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